Horses for Mental Health (HMH) Campaign ( 

Children who are confronted by a bully or bullies are on the rise and a growing crisis that can move a child towards self-harm, and even take one’s own life. Here is a small clip called, “Be Someone’s Hero” from the CDC 

The U.S. Day News, reporter Ernie Mundell reports on March 29, 2024, “…Over 47,000 Americans between the ages 10 and 19 lost their lives to suicide, the report found, and there have been sharp increases year by year since COVID-19”. The more we, as a society, talk about bullying and suicide, the more our youth learn it is okay to talk about their feelings, especially if they or someone they know is thinking about harming themselves or others. Here is a clip from students who express their personal experience that strengthens one’s self-awareness in the YEEHAAA program 

YEEHAAA has developed a bullycide intervention/prevention program for junior and high school settings which ties in with Utah’s Standard Core Curriculum. The curriculum is intertwined in a classroom setting, or non-core standard setting like Study Group, Fine Arts, etc. YEEHAAA also works with counselors, staff and other professionals in various private/state facility programs. 

YEEHAAA’s experiential learning brings team building skills, empowerment, personal creativity where youth combine metaphors that happen in the arena with life experiences into a portfolio to share and earn graduation credit. YEEHAAA is an advocate organization that believes in building a safer and better community that protects Diversity, Love, Respect, Value, and Dignity for all. We need your help to give OUR youth a more positive life experience.

Contact Us

Our program works with schools and other youth organizations. We would love to answer any questions you have or want to learn more.

young woman standing next to a horse

Where to reach us:

We will get back to you in 1-2 business days. 

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