Children who are confronted by a bully or bullies are on the rise and a growing crisis that can move a child towards self-harm, and even take one’s own life. Here is a small clip called, “Be Someone’s Hero” from the CDC  

The U.S. Day News, reporter Ernie Mundell reports on March 29, 2024, “…Over 47,000 Americans between the ages 10 and 19 lost their lives to suicide, the report found, and there have been sharp increases year by year since COVID-19”. The more we as a society talk about bullying, and suicide, the more our youth learn it’s okay to talk about their feelings, especially if they or someone they know is thinking about harming themselve or others. Here is a clip from students who express their personal experience strengthens, and one’s self-awareness in the YEEHAAA program

YEEHAAA has developed a bullycide intervention/prevention program for students in middle, and high school courses which ties into Utah State Core Standards. Our curriculum is intertwined for counselors, teachers and other professionals in a classroom setting, or non-core standard setting like Study Group, Fine Arts, etc. 

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young woman standing next to a horse

Why horses?

Horses can teach us ways to heal and grow in countless ways. Their non-judgemental disposition can teach us valuable lessons, new ways of healing and learning. Horses can bring a connection between teachers, counselors, and peer interaction by supporting self-awareness and empowerment for a safer school environment.



In the state of Utah, the rate of suicide and bullying was found to be growing at a rate much higher than the national average. With suicide as the leading cause of death for children under the age of 18. Children today face bullying challenges at home and online. Leading to higher rates of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and suicide attempts.  


YEEHAAA was started in 2004 by Caron Hunter while working at Juvenille Justice Services in Utah. During her time there, she created a program called Through Our Eyes that focused on our sensory receptors, mindfulness, and fostering a beginner’s mind to restore curiosity and openness. 

Later, YEEHAAA became founding members of the ARCH, Arenas for Change Association, to create a curriculum with horses and other animals that improved our original curriculum. YEEHAAA now works in schools and other programs to create an educational experience to improve overall self esteem and confidence, improve relationships with peers, adults, and counselors around them, and improve overall well being. 


Our curriculum meets the Educational Standards for English/Language Arts and Health. While working through the curriculum in schools we aim to teach children about:

-The beginner’s mind and explore the world through a new set of eyes.

-Our sensory receptors and how we can use mindfulness to move through our stories. 

-Experiential Learning by working hands on with horses and other animals to relate to the world around us. 

YEEHAAA at a glance

In our experiential learning program, students work alongside horses, trained equine specialists, counselors, and teachers to gain an understanding of boundaries, relationship to the world around them, and how to respect others. 

group of people with a horse

Our work in action...

Our segment with abc4, Channel CW30 with Rosie Nguyen. Thank you Salt Lake Center Science for Education students, teachers, and administration to continue this amazing work! Here is the segment. Enjoy!

We would love to work with you. If you have any questions please reach out

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