The U.S. Day News, reporter Ernie Mundell reports on March 29, 2024, “…Over 47,000 Americans between the ages 10 and 19 lost their lives to suicide, the report found, and there have been sharp increases year by year since COVID-19”. The more we as a society talk about bullying, and suicide, the more our youth learn it’s okay to talk about their feelings, especially if they or someone they know is thinking about harming themselve or others. Here is a clip from students who express their personal experience strengthens, and one’s self-awareness in the YEEHAAA program
YEEHAAA has developed a bullycide intervention/prevention program for students in middle, and high school courses which ties into Utah State Core Standards. Our curriculum is intertwined for counselors, teachers and other professionals in a classroom setting, or non-core standard setting like Study Group, Fine Arts, etc.